Qu'est-ce que do you have games on your phone ?

"Do you have games on your phone?" is a phrase commonly used by children or young people when they ask someone if they have any games installed on their mobile device. It has become a popular meme and catchphrase, often used in humorous or playful contexts.

The phrase gained popularity due to the prevalence of smartphones and the wide variety of games available for download on mobile app stores. Children often ask this question when they are looking to play games on someone else's phone, either because they don't have access to their own device or they are seeking new games to try.

The phrase is also used in a joking manner, sometimes to imply that a person is overly obsessed with mobile gaming or spending excessive amounts of time playing games on their phone.

Overall, "Do you have games on your phone?" has become a lighthearted and playful way to inquire about mobile gaming, often used in humorous and meme-related contexts.